Reiki in the West with Guides and Reviews

Welcome to Reiki in The West

What is Reiki?
Reiki is a system of natural healing which is thousands of years old. It is believed that the technique was first used by Tibetan Buddhist monks and was rediscovered in the 1800’s by Mikao Usui.

Reiki is a Japanese word meaning Universal Life Energy (Rei is Universal, Ki is Life Energy). Prana is the Sanskrit version as is Chi the Chineses and Mana in Hawaiian. It has been identified by all cultures. It is the vital force that flows through all matter and animates all life. This can be used as a powerful form of healing called Reiki. Reiki is not a faith system, all that is required is the willingness to heal and be healed for the highest good of ourselfes and others.

How Does It Work?

The reiki therupist channels the life energy, or Life-force as it often called, through his or her hands into the receiver’s body which enhances the body’s own natural abitity to heal itself. Reiki works on all levels of a persons being, thereby reaching the cause as well as the physical symptoms. All illness and disease comes about as a result of the natural flow of the Life-force being impaired in some way. Reiki helps to reinstate and balance out the flow of the Life-force through the body. When the Life-force flows correctly, it is much easier to take up the task of experieencing life as we would desire. Attitudes change, tiredness recedes, and our goals no longer appear impossible or so far away. It has been deswcribed as feeling like ‘an inner workout’!

As the Reiki Healing Energy moves through the healer, dispelling blocks and negativity, before being channelled through the recipieent, it does not drain the healer. In fact, the more a Reiki Practitioner gives the energy, the more energy is received.